Monday, December 22, 2008

Twitblogs - Macro Blogging Meets Micro Blogging

Twitblogs is a "macro blogging" platform. When I say "macro", I mean the traditional blog platform without the 140 character limitation. Yeah so what? Well the interest thing is that Twitblogs has integrated in a 120 character section to the input form so you can write your "micro" blog entry for your main blog entry. As you post your blog entry it will post your "micro" blog entry to Twitter with a link back to your "macro" blog entry. I see this as one of those a-ha moments where you see into the future. I really think that this is a feature that we will start to see with some of the "macro" blogging platforms.

Tip: Since the service is in Alpha there are still some bugs with it and it could change quite drastically after this post is published. Currently they pull in your Twitter bio and provide a DoFollow link to the link in your bio. They also provide a DoFollow link in the post itself, but you need to use the without the http:// to make it active.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Thanks for the review. We are hard at work trying to get more features out everyweek.

    Tomorrow we are releasing features that will be very exciting additions to the service.

    Thanks for mentioning we are in Alpha loads of people seem to forget or not realise that, in fact we are moving the 'Alpha' from the obscure top right corner to right underneath our brand.

    Drop me a line anytime, I am on Twitter as Twitblogs or RogerKondrat

